This is a song for Ms. Warren And all those who are torn Amongst her Democratic rivals Fighting for our nation's democratic survival. She used to be a professor But don't you go thinking any less of her She ain't no elitist But she does speak in the complete-est Of sentences No worrying 'bout constant gaffes No rambling on 'bout phonographs Just a message of inclusion and an occasional laugh The perfect antidote to the right wing She's got a plan for everything Dream big fight hard and get our country back in full swing
Senator, I really hope you're the progenitor, Of a movement of integrity To make our politics corruption free Before it's too late
She wasn’t always so political But then life took a critical turn A Republican back in the 90’s She'd started lookin into bankruptcy filings The credit card companies said just trust us But what she noticed was a grave injustice That’s when her thinking began to change She started realizing free markets are sometimes deranged Debt collectors they’re out there, they don’t care They’re pushin' a crooked game! And workin’ people end up takin the blame Caught in a system stacked against ‘em Warren said this is insane Why don’t we reform this awful mess and treat people with less disdain Senator, I really hope you're the progenitor Of a democratic movement That will make you our new President cause that would be great
You think she can’t get it done You say she ain’t no hero Clearly you’ve never heard of The Consumer Protection Bureau You think she can’t win votes but You heard that from some super rich folks Worried ‘bout the impacts Of her wealth tax on their kickbacks! Senator, I really hope that you are the progenitor Of a movement to bring sanity Logic and facts back to democracy